- 相關推薦
1.Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk. 兒童的教養(yǎng)源于成人的修為而非說教.
2.If one does not understand a person, one tends to regard him as a fool. 不理解一個人,就往往會把他當成傻瓜.
3.Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health. 人需要困擾,困擾是心理健康的必需之物.
4.The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed. It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results. 對最強烈沖突的克服,使我們獲得一種穩(wěn)定超然的安全與寧靜感.要獲得有益而持久的心理安全與寧靜,所需要的正是這種強烈沖突的大暴發(fā).
5.There is no coming to consciousness without pain. 沒有痛苦,就沒有意識的喚醒.
6.The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely. 最可怕的事情是完全接受自己.
7.A collection of a hundred great brains makes one big fathead. 集合起一百個偉大頭腦,就會得到一個大傻瓜.
8.Here we must ask: Have I any religious experience and immediate relation to God, and hence that certainty which will keep me, as an individual, from dissolving in the crowd? 在此我們必須發(fā)問:我是否擁有任何宗教體驗、擁有與上帝的直接關聯,從而獲得一種確然性,使我做為個體免于消融于群眾?
9.Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. 潛意識如果沒有進入意識,就會引導你的人生而成為你的命運.
10.What is essential in a work of art is that it should rise far above the realm of personal life and speak to the spirit and heart of the poet as man to the spirit and heart of mankind. 藝術作品應當超越個人生活的天地、直面詩人的精神與內心深處,如同人直面人類的精神與內心.
11.It is, moreover, only in the state of complete abandonment and loneliness that we experience the helpful powers of our own natures. 而且,只有在完全的聽天由命和孤獨狀態(tài),我們才能體驗到我們自身天性的積極力量.
12.In some way or other we are part of a single, all-embracing psyche, a single "greatest man". 在某種意義上,我們從屬于一個涵蓋一切的單一心靈、從屬于一個單一的“總體人”.
13.What is stirred in us is that faraway background, those immemorial patterns of the human mind, which we have not acquired but have inherited from the dim ages of the past. 在我們的內心深處被喚起的,就是那個久遠的背景——古老的人類心理模式,它們源于遺傳而非后天習得,我們從業(yè)已模糊的往日世代繼承了它們.
14.Life has always seemed to me like a plant that lives on its rhizome. Its true life is invisible, hidden in the rhizome. The part that appears above ground lasts only a single summer.?.?.?. What we see is the blossom, which passes. The rhizome remains. 我總是感到,生活就象萌發(fā)于地下根莖的植株.生活的真正生命是不可見的,它深藏于地下根莖中,而顯露出地面的可見一斑部分只能生存一個夏季.我們所見到的是將會消逝的花簇,而根莖長駐.
15.At times I feel as if I am spread out over the landscape and inside things, and am myself living in every tree, in the plashing of the waves, in the clouds and the animals that come and go, in the procession of the seasons. 有時我會感到,我伸展開來覆蓋大地、延伸進萬物:我感到自己生活在每一棵樹木中、生活在浪花中、生活在往來無定的云朵和動物中、生活在季節(jié)的輪回中.
16.Knowledge does not enrich us; it removes us more and more from the mythic world in which we were once at home by right of birth. 知識不會使我們更豐富;它使我們越來越遠離神秘世界——這個我們曾經的天然家園.
17.A belief proves to me only the phenomenon of belief, not the content of the belief. 在我看來,一種信仰只是一個信仰現象,信仰的內容無足輕重.
18.The greatest and most important problems in life are all in a certain sense insoluble. They can never be solved, but only outgrown. 在某種意義上,生活中的最重大和最重要問題都是無法解決的.我們無法解決它們,只能在成長中超越它們.
19.Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens. 只有當人能夠察看自己的內心深處時,他的視野才會變得清晰起來.向外看的人是在夢中、向內看的人是清醒的人.
20.The unconscious is the unwritten history of mankind from time unrecorded. 潛意識是未曾付諸文字的人類洪荒時代史.
21.Man's task is to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious. 人的任務,就是意識到從潛意識中努力向上涌出的內容.
22.The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any ego-consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far our ego-consciousness extends. 夢是開設在靈魂深處最隱蔽角落的小小隱秘窗口,它所通向的宇宙夜空是心靈性的,在自我-意識出現之前很久就已如此,而無論我們的自我-意識的疆界如何擴展,它將始終通向心靈的夜空.
23.Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. 每件促使我們注意到他人的事,都能使我們更好地理解自己.
24.Nobody, as long as he moves about among the chaotic currents of life, is without trouble. 在生活的洪流中,沒有人是毫無煩惱的.
25.Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically on their environment and especially on their children than the unlived life of the parent. 父母死氣沉沉的生活對周圍人特別是自己孩子的影響,是無與倫比的.
26.The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both aretransformed. 兩個靈魂的相遇就像兩種化學物質的接觸:一丁點的反應就會徹底改變它們.
27.We cannot change anything unless we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses. 對于任何事務,要改變它就要先接受它.譴責不會解放而只會壓迫.
28.As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. 在我們視野所及中,人類存在的唯一目的,是在純粹存在的黑暗中燃起一點光亮.
29.It all depends on how we look at things, and not on how they are themselves. 我們看待事物的方式、而不是事物本身如何,決定著一切.