Opened in May of the calendar
My mind's far far beneath the bitter
Opened in May of the calendar
Adds a dash of my heart Anxiety
Over the war in Iraq is still shrouded in the clouds
Kosovo earth is filled with thick smoke
Hegemonists arbitrary interference in the internal affairs
Japanese right-wingers deny the history of aggression against China
Discordant symphony of peace in the world hidden in the melody is
Ah long human societies
Interpretation of how many years of suffering
A long history of civilization ah
How many tragedies frequently staged
Numerous iron facts tell us that
Ignorance on bullying
Opened in May Calendar
My confidence has doubled
Faith is strong fortress
Ideal as the flame burning
Rang the voice of peace in the world as early as
Seeds of friendship has been rooted in hearts
Time the trumpet sounded in the river north and south
Spring breeze of reform are blowing Shuyang earth
1.Experts said the Chinese had more freedom and choice now. They not only wanted to celebrate their holidays securely, but in highly-qualified and diverse ways.
2.Chen Ronghui, 21, in a cooks uniform, said, It is most special to watch the flag hoisting in a working uniform on the International Labor Day.
3.Chen, from Yangzhou in east Chinas Jiangsu Province, said he planned to climb mountains in the outskirts of Beijing later in the morning.
4.Visitors and natives also had numerous choices to spend their holidays. They could watch performances by some 30 international troupes or visit a book fair. Over 100 museums in Beijing prepared special events for visitors.
5.Parks in Tianjin, a municipality close to Beijing, have put on folk performances such as the drum yangge dance to attract tourists.
6.Still, tens of thousands of others planned to go to tourism cities. Sources with the Capital International Airport in Beijing said they would carry a total of 800,000 passengers during the seven days.
7.Sources added they have 700 flights on Wednesday alone, with 120 by Air China, carrying 70,000 passengers. Their destinations mainly focus on such cities as Chengdu, Kunming, Guangzhou and Dalian.
8.Statistics from Guangzhou show 3.5 million of its citizens are traveling to other cities. It was reported its airport, railway station and bus stations were filled with people.
9.Guangzhou people have a special interest in the western regions and competition has made travel agencies cut their fees by hundreds of yuan or so.
International Workers' Day (also known as May Day) is a celebration of the international labour movement. May 1 is a national holiday in more than 80 countries and celebrated unofficially in many other countries.
International Workers' Day is the commemoration of the 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago. The police were trying to disperse a public assembly during a general strike for the eight-hour workday, when an unidentified person threw a bomb at them. The police reacted by firing on the workers, killing dozens of demonstrators and several of their own officers. "Reliable witnesses testified that all the pistol flashes came from the center of the street, where the police were standing, and none from the crowd. Moreover, initial newspaper reports made no mention of firing by civilians. A telegraph pole at the scene was filled with bullet holes, all coming from the direction of the police."
In 1889, the first congress of the Second International, meeting in Paris for the centennial of the French Revolution and the Exposition Universelle, following a proposal by Raymond Lavigne, called for international demonstrations on the 1890 anniversary of the Chicago protests. May Day was formally recognized as an annual event at the International's second congress in 1891.
Subsequently, the May Day Riots of 1894 occurred. In 1904, the International Socialist Conference meeting in Amsterdam called on "all Social Democratic Party organizations and trade unions of all countries to demonstrate energetically on May First for the legal establishment of the 8-hour day, for the class demands of the proletariat, and for universal peace." The congress made it "mandatory upon the proletarian organizations of all countries to stop work on May 1, wherever it is possible without injury to the workers."
In many countries, the working classes sought to make May Day an official holiday, and their efforts largely succeeded. May Day has long been a focal point for demonstrations by various socialist, communist and anarchist groups. In some circles, bonfires are lit in commemoration of the Haymarket martyrs, usually at dawn. May Day has been an important official holiday in countries such as the People's Republic of China, North Korea, Cuba and the former Soviet Union. May Day celebrations typically feature elaborate popular and military parades in these countries.
In the United States and Canada, however, the official holiday for workers is Labor Day in September. This day was promoted by the Central Labor Union and the Knights of Labor, who organized the first parade in New York City. After the Haymarket Massacre, US President Grover Cleveland feared that commemorating Labor Day on May 1 could become an opportunity to commemorate the riots. Thus he moved in 1887 to support the Labor Day that the Knights supported.
In 1955, the Catholic Church dedicated May 1 to "Saint Joseph The Worker". The Catholic Church considers Saint Joseph the patron saint of (among others) workers and craftsmen.
Right-wing governments have traditionally sought to repress the message behind International Workers' Day, with fascist governments in Portugal, Italy, Germany, and Spain abolishing the workers' holiday, the official May 1 holiday in the US being Loyalty Day, and the Conservative party in the UK currently attempting to abolish the UK's annual May Day bank holiday.